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How Do Mortgages Work for Applicants with Student Loans?

Students often find themselves in a tricky spot, needing a mortgage but reliant on student loans - or still repaying a student loan some years later. Here we look at whether student loans impact your credit assessment and how a lender might treat this outstanding obligation.

Getting a Mortgage Despite Your Student Loan

Student debt is very common, and millions of university graduates have this debt on their records for many years.

The business loan broker team has compiled this guide to explain how student loan debt impacts your mortgage application, and what key factors you need to be aware of.

For independent help with finding the most competitive mortgage offers, with student debt, give us a call on 0330 304 3040, or email the team at [email protected].

Can I Get a UK Mortgage if I Still Have Student Debt?

Yes, having a student loan isn't a reason to be rejected for a mortgage. However, the amount owing will impact your affordability calculations.

Student loans do not show on your credit file, but the lender will need to consider how much you need to repay each month.

The best option is to offer as much deposit as possible and have a clean credit record otherwise.

How Much Do Student Loans Impact a Mortgage Application?

Student debt isn't treated the same way as other loans, but a lender will still need to know how much you repay each month and the outstanding balance.

The lender needs to know the monthly repayment and see payslips to show this since it reduces your net income and how much you can afford to repay on a mortgage.

Your outstanding balance is also essential since it is an outstanding debt that will likely need to be repaid over time, although it doesn't show on your credit file.

Do I Need to Declare a Student Loan on a Mortgage Application?

If you are in PAYE employment, your student loan repayments will show on your payslips, and therefore you must declare the debt since your lender will soon know about it even if you don't!

You should still include your student debt on the application for self-employed applicants since, although it will not show on your invoices, you need to disclose your debts and it will usually be shown in your accounts.

Is it Worth Waiting to Pay Off My Student Loan Before I Get a House?

There isn't any reason you can't get a mortgage with an outstanding student loan - and if you prioritise one debt over another, you'll always pay more interest longer-term over whichever debt you do not pay back first.

If you postpone buying a property, there is also the risk that property prices continue to rise, and you end up debt-free but without the finances to purchase a property.

Usually, it is not advisable to take out a bank loan to pay back a student debt faster, as student loans typically have much lower interest rates.

Am I Less Likely to Get a Mortgage Because of a Student Loan?

No, not necessarily. As a graduate, your long-term employment prospects are better, and your student loan will be wiped from your records in 30 years, whether you have repaid it or not.

Student loans are charged at £0.09 interest for every £1 earned, provided you earn over £25,000 a year, so they are a low-cost form of lending.

Most mortgage lenders will be more interested in credit cards or unsecured debt than a student loan. Therefore a default is less severe than against a different form of borrowing.

Can I Use My Student Loan as Income Towards Mortgage Affordability?

Some students use a student loan towards their deposit - but there are ramifications to using your loan for anything other than living and studying costs.

It is usually better to think about other support schemes for first time buyers, such as Help to Buy. This scheme means that you need a 5% deposit, and the government will lend you a 20% equity loan to reduce the amount of mortgage you need.

Give us a call if you're thinking about using a student loan towards a house deposit, and we'll run through a comparison of the options for you!

Can I Consolidate a Student Loan with a Mortgage Application?

Technically yes, you can take out a mortgage and use some of the capital to consolidate debts. The advantage is that you reduce the number of monthly outgoings into one payment.

The likelihood of getting lender approval to consolidate other debts into a mortgage depends on your income, credit score, and property value.

It's worth remembering that student debt is unsecured, and if you choose to repay it by consolidating the debt into a mortgage, your home could be repossessed if you don't keep up with the repayments.

Can I Get a Mortgage in Scotland with a Student Loan?

The rules in Scotland are slightly different, but there aren't any significant variances in student loans. This type of loan doesn't impact your credit history, so won't make much difference to your overall financing profile.

What Can I Do If I Can't Get a Mortgage Due to Student Loans?

There are always alternative lenders, so don't be disheartened if one mortgage provider has rejected your application.

The best course of action is to work with a whole-of-market broker who can recommend the right lenders, and know which provider's eligibility criteria you can meet.

It is never wise to make repeated speculative mortgage applications, and multiple rejections may show on your credit file and create further problems.

Further Reading


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